If you have questions concerning visiting hours or to find the best times to visit your friends and family members feel free to Contact Us.
Mail and flowers will be brought to your room as they arrive. Flowers are not allowed in the special care units. Any mail you receive after you leave will be forwarded to your home address.
Volunteer priests and ministers are available to all patients and their families. Catholic communion is provided by volunteer Eucharistic ministers.
Please contact your nurse or patient representative to request these services should you need them during your hospitalization.
The Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990 is a law that gives you their
right to make Advanced Directives. At OGHS, our policy is that any competent
adult person may, at any time, make a written declaration directing the
withholding or withdrawal of life sustaining procedures in the event such
person should have a terminal or irreversible chance of recovery.
It is your responsibility to notify your attending physician that you have
made a living will or that you have a durable Power of Attorney for healthcare.
It is your responsibility to provide OGHS with a copy of your Living Will.
For more information contact the patient representative.
Based on availability, rooms can be rented for overnight stay for family members. For information, contact the Patient Representative between 8:a.m. to 4:30 a.m. and the Nursing Supervisor after 4:30 p.m.
It is understood and agreed that the hospital maintains a safe for the safe- keeping of money and valuables, and the hospital shall not be liable for the loss or damage to any money, jewelry, glasses, dentures, documents, furs, fur coats, and fur garments or any other articles of unusual value and small compass, unless placed therein, and shall not be liable for loss or damage to any other personal property, unless deposited with the hospital for safekeeping.