Support Programs
Free Child Safety Seat Installations
Assistance with child safety seats is offered free in Louisiana! Join nationally
certified technicians as we work to reduce serious injuries and fatalities
in children by making sure your child's safety seats are installed properly.
To schedule an installation, please call 337-948-3011.
By Stander CPR
Community involvement intended for early care for victims with cardiac
arrest. For more information, or to schedule a CPR class call the Education
Center at:
(337) 594-3825.
Prenatal Classes
Let us help you prepare with our pre-natal education sessions. Classes
occur on the third Saturday during the months of September, November,
January, March, May and July from 8:30 a.m. Until 12:30 p.m. Labor &
birth, breastfeeding, and baby basics are covered in the sessions. For
more information, email
First Aid
Provides education for care of victims within the first 5 minutes of an
accident or medical emergency. For information or to schedule a class
please call the Education Center at:
(337) 549-3801
Safe Sitters
Improve the quality of babysitting for children ages 11-13 years of age.
For more information, or to schedule a class call the Education Center at:
(337) 594-3801.
Shots for Tots
Immunization for infants, children and including young adults to age 18.
For more information call the OB Department at:
(337) 948-5148.
Lactation Services
OGHS has a staffed International, Board-Certified Lactation Consultant
who offers inpatient and outpatient lactation consults for our breast-feeding
patients. More information can be viewed under the "Women's Services"
tab, or you can call 337-948-3011.