Information regarding your recent visit is available online via MyHealth Patient Portal. Your health information is private and secure and completely FREE. Your visit will be available 96 hours after your appointment.
Occasionally, a patient may exhibit a hearing, speech, or language disorder.
A mechanism to assist patients who are hearing impaired or deaf, and/or
use sign language as their primary means of communication is available
in order to provide quality care to these patients.
Persons who are unable to speak, or who use a language other than English,
may require assistance also. If you think that you or a member of your
family, may be in need of special communication assistance while you are
in the hospital, please advise your nurse who will contact the department
of communication disorders for the appropriate person.
Examples of available services may include sign language interpreters,
French, Spanish, Vietnamese interpreters, telephone devices for amplification,
assistive listening devices, telephonic devices for the deaf (TDDs), and
augmentative/assistive communication devices and techniques (eg., gestures,
writing, communication boards) for persons with expressive communication
Persons with visual impairments needing assistance in reading important
medical/hospital information should acknowledge this need to their nurse.
A staff member or volunteer may be able to assist the patient in securing
the information needed.
Persons with physical and/or other handicapping conditions who may require
special assistance while a patient at OGHS should inform the nurse of
your need. OGHS will make every reasonable effort within the present structural
limitations and staff resources to meet the needs of the patient.
Volunteer priests and ministers are available to all patients and their
families. Catholic communion is provided by volunteer Eucharistic ministers.
Please contact your nurse or patient representative to request these services
should you need them during your hospitalization.
If you or a dependent have been a patient at OGHS and do not have insurance, we may be able to assist you in obtaining government or other assistance.
Please contact our office at 337-594-3922.
The Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990 is a law that gives you their
right to make Advanced Directives. At OGHS, our policy is that any competent
adult person may, at any time, make a written declaration directing the
withholding or withdrawal of life sustaining procedures in the event such
person should have a terminal or irreversible chance of recovery.
It is your responsibility to notify your attending physician that you have
made a living will or that you have a durable Power of Attorney for healthcare.
It is your responsibility to provide OGHS with a copy of your Living Will.
For more information contact the patient representative.
We, the staff of OGHS, strive to assure all patients receive quality care. You, the patient, can play a vital role in assisting us to maintain and continually improve your services. If you have any questions or concerns contact the Patient Representative at Ext. 5644 Mon – Fri 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or ask your nurse for assistance. If your concern is not resolved, contact the Nursing Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Administrator.
The effects of medications can be changed by certain foods, liquids, alcohol, or other drugs. lt is important for you to understand and know the facts about the medications you are taking and the guidelines for taking these drugs. Please ask the nurse, Clinical Pharmacist, and/or the Patient Representative for more information about the medications you are taking.
Any acts of dishonesty or unethical behavior may also be reported to the Ethics Line at 1-800-340-5877.
Ask about the Organ Donation Program ….for information contact the Patient Representative, ask your nurse.
It is understood and agreed that the hospital maintains a safe for the safe- keeping of money and valuables, and the hospital shall not be liable for the loss or damage to any money, jewelry, glasses, dentures, documents, furs, fur coats, and fur garments or any other articles of unusual value and small compass, unless placed therein, and shall not be liable for loss or damage to any other personal property, unless deposited with the hospital for safekeeping.
Any patient care/safety issue or concern may be addressed by hospital management by calling 337-948-3011 or the safety hot line at ext 3555. If you feel that an issue has not been resolved, you may contact the Joint Commission Office of Quality Monitoring by using the following: E-mail: complaint@jointcommission.org Fax: 630-792-5636 Mail: Office of Quality Monitoring The Joint Commission One Renaissance Boulevard Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181