The Employee Giving Program of Opelousas General Health System. Our 7th SPICE campaign will look a little different this campaign. We hope that you will continue to support SPICE and help us to support our employees, our hospital and our community. There will be designated gift pick up times where you can fill out your pledge card or you can sign up online and your gifts will be ready for you to pick up.
SPICE is the employee giving program at OGHS. The success of S.P.I.C.E depends on the support of employees like you. It is a way to help others and support the services of our hospital, fellow employees and community. As employees we are proud of our hospital and the care we provide. We are willing to show our pride by joining S.P.I.C.E to support our community through local non-profits, improving our hospital with an employee chosen hospital project and developing a benevolence fund for our employees in need. The employees are doing their part to help ensure the future of health care for our community.
Take a look at our 7th Campaign video featuring OGHS employees and highlighting our chosen organizations.
During the 7th Campaign your contribution will help support the following organizations, you can find out more about them by clicking on their name:
Each quarter the S.P.I.C.E committee celebrates and shows their gratitude to S.P.I.C.E members through recognition programs and events. During the current campaign our S.P.I.C.E members chose to give back even more, through our Christmas Shoebox Gift Program for children of employees in need they provided gifts to over 125 children since 2018.
Current S.P.I.C.E members must re-sign up every campaign to continue membership! Want to join, click on the button above to join S.P.I.C.E!!
Besides the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a difference, employees are recognized through the giving levels listed below
Tech Trio Bag with Phone Charger
Tech Trio Bag & Coffee Cup
Tech Trio Bag, Coffee Cup & Umbrella
Tech Trio Bag, Coffee Cup, Inverted Umbrella & Backpack
Tech Trio Bag, Coffee Cup, Inverted Umbrella, Backpack & Tech Charging Portfolio
Tech Trio Bag, Coffee Cup, Inverted Umbrella, Backpack, Tech Charging Portfolio & IPad Mini